How it works

The easy way to find a local financial expert. At Local Financial Advice, we make it easy for you to connect with a fully accredited, professional financial adviser in your area.

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Find an expert in three simple steps

When you use our free service, we’ll search our network of carefully selected adviser partners, and put you in touch with a local financial adviser with the right qualifications and experience to match your needs.

Here’s how it works:

  • Enter your postcode - We use your postcode to show you how many financial advisers we have working in your area.
  • Tell us what you need - Let us know what kind of financial advice you’re looking for, so we can match you to an adviser with specialist skills suited to you.
  • Submit your contact details - Simply provide your name, email address and telephone number so that your adviser can get in touch and begin to help you. This usually happens within 24 hours.

Helping you get the right advice

Book your free, no obligation initial consultation

Your adviser will offer you the opportunity to arrange a free, no-obligation initial consultation to discuss your goals in detail and get an idea of how they will be able to help.

Tell us about your experience 

We want to ensure all our customers are satisfied with their experience. Let us know if you weren’t happy with your adviser and we’ll connect you to an alternative.

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Connect with Local Financial Advice today

Local Financial Advice’s free adviser matching service connects people all over the UK daily with FCA-regulated experts. Wherever you’re based, we’ll match you with the financial advice expert that’s right for you.

So whether you are looking for advice on your retirement plans, investments, wealth management, financial planning or thinking about your long-term financial future, we can help put you in contact with a trusted financial adviser who will listen to your needs

Learn more about how we help you connect to local financial advice experts,  if you need a financial adviser and why over 900 happy customers rated us Excellent on Trustpilot.